The answer is right
You can avoid wasting food by creating new recipes with leftovers
The answer is wrong
You can avoid wasting food by creating new recipes with leftovers
The answer is right
You can obtain excellent organic fertiliser from organic waste
The answer is wrong
You can obtain excellent organic fertiliser from organic waste
The answer is right
Chewing gum takes at least five years to decompose
The answer is wrong
Chewing gum takes at least five years to decompose
The answer is right
With rechargeable batteries, you save energy and protect the environment
The answer is wrong
With rechargeable batteries, you save energy and protect the environment
The answer is right
Used frying oil is highly polluting. Do not pour it down the drain, take it to collection centres!
The answer is wrong
Used frying oil is highly polluting. Do not pour it down the drain, take it to collection centres!
The answer is right
The mirror must not be thrown into the glass bin, but into the mixed waste bin
The answer is wrong
The mirror must not be thrown into the glass bin, but into the mixed waste bin
The answer is right
Cans can be recycled in many ways
The answer is wrong
Cans can be recycled in many ways
The answer is right
A smartphone is a valuable WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) item and must be taken to a collection centre
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The answer is wrong
A smartphone is a valuable WEEE (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) item and must be taken to a collection centre
CONGRATULATIONS, now you know all the answers
But don't think there's nothing else to learn! Play again to find out more ways to be "eco-logical"
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